Miserable Monday indeed. Yeh verily it did piddle down all day. But lo, we were not daunted, for we were fortified with hot drinks and comfortable seats.

The covers stayed on the playing fields today
We spent to day cleaning finds to date and starting the assessment of the bulk finds. Find Of The Day goes to something that looked like nothing until cleaned – a small sherd of a Medieval splash glazed gritty ware (12th to 13th Century).

Find Of The Day – Medieval splash glazed gritty ware (12th to 13th Century)
Beast Of The Day is the extravagantly named Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus.

Beast Of The Day – revels in the epithet Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus
Please note that even if the weather is misbehaving, as it was today, we will still be working at the dig site. Our wonderful facilities meant we were able start cleaning the finds and assessing the site based on what we have found.
Alex Whitlock