PAG – Calf Hill Dig Season 2, Part 2, Tupenny Dig, Day 3

The sunshine finally made an appearance on the last day of the current dig. The group worked hard to solve the riddle of the trench.

Trench 7, context 3. July 2019, Day 3

Context 3 consisted of a surface of stones of varying sizes. In the west of the trench the stone seemed more compact. However, on investigation it was found that Context 3 extended through the west and east of the trench. The soil in the centre of the trench was orange and there were fewer stones. The soil in the west of the trench continued to be darker (black) which seemed to suggest burning has occurred in the vicinity.

Worked Chert. July 2019. Day 3

A sondage was cut in the centre of the trench (Context 4). This allowed the depth of the deposits to be seen. Darker areas were thought to be the result of animal or plant activity. The orange of Context 4 is thought to be the natural. This knowledge will be important for future investigations.

It was decided to close the trench down. The area does not seem to relate to occupation. There were few finds in Context 3 and 4. Further investigation is required in this area.


There were very few finds on Day 3. There were some pieces of chert, one of which may have been worked. A small fragment of slate was found, which has not been found in other areas of the site.

All images attributed to Catherine Rousseau Jones