Archaeology – Calf Hill Days 3 and 4

Day 3

CHill. Day 3. Sept. 2019. Attribution: C Rousseau Jones

This afternoon on site was windy and cold but sunny. Just the right conditions for lots of enthusiastic trowelling!  After removing around half a tonne of soil, the layout of the trench is become clearer.  Work will continue tomorrow to try to define the stone feature. We will also explore the south western section of the trench.


Apart from the south western corner to the trench, there was an abundance of quartz of many sizes, and quartz within limestone. Further excavation should help us to decide whether this is significant.

Day 4

The afternoon of digging was accompanied by high winds and sunshine. Trench 8 was extended to make 3mx3m. The new section was trowelled to the same context of the rest of the trench.

CHill, Day 4.Sept. 2019. Metal Finds. Attribution: C Rousseau Jones

It is estimated that the trench contained 20% quartz. The quartz was of a variety of sizes, many split in half. There was also quartz in limestone. Most of the quartz was contained within the stone feature.

CH Day 4. Sept 2019
Attribution: C Rousseau Jones

The differences in the trench continued to be visible (see below).

Calf Hill, and especially the area of the 10m diameter geophys anomaly, has been surveyed by metal detector (thanks to Mike and John). There are no metal artefacts to explain or date the anomaly.

The area of the trench which could be interpreted as being within the circle had begun to produce potential evidence of worked chert, flint and quartz. The interpretation of the finds is tentative and will require an expert’s opinion, which will be sought in due course.

We left the site protected by the guards and intend to return tomorrow to have a last look and backfill.

Banner Image: Attribution: C Rousseau Jones